Configure Alexa Skill to use Blazor Backend

Configure Alexa Skill to use Blazor Backend

Arjun Krishna

4 minute read

I have an Alexa Skill for a personal project that utilizes azure functions for its backend. I had started dabbling into blazor wasm and wanted to try connecting an alexa skill to it with account linking functionality. I found a sample public repo which utilizes Identity server for managing users, so it was a perfect test bed for alexa account linking functionality. I faced some issues while doing that. I jotted down the steps which finally made it work and added them into a sample repository as a file. I am adding the same here. This will help anyone setup their blazor backend to accept alexa skill requests. I still prefer Azure functions for this, but this was a fun little exercise.

Github Repo

The extended sample repo is available on github : Blazor-WASM-Identity-gRPC-Alexa


            var alexaVendor = Configuration["Alexa:BlazorNews:VendorId"]; // this key setup is shown later in this blog post.
            var alexaSecretText = "AlexaBlazorNewsSecret"; // I use this secret under the Alexa configuration. This could also be added to the config secret like above

            //all of these setting can be saved in a db store as well.

            var client = new IdentityServer4.Models.Client
                ClientId = "AlexaBlazorNews",
                ClientName = "AlexaBlazorNews",
                Enabled = true,
                AllowedGrantTypes = GrantTypes.Code,
                AllowAccessTokensViaBrowser = true,
                RequireConsent = false,
                RequirePkce = false,
                RequireClientSecret = true,
                AllowRememberConsent = true,
                ClientSecrets = {new Secret(alexaSecretText.Sha256()) },
                RedirectUris =
                    "" + alexaVendor, // all these can be setup earlier and then assigned here... 
                    "" + alexaVendor,
                PostLogoutRedirectUris =
                    "" + alexaVendor,
                    "" + alexaVendor,
                AllowedScopes =
                AllowOfflineAccess = true,
                AccessTokenType = AccessTokenType.Jwt,

            var clients = new List<IdentityServer4.Models.Client>();
            var configClients = Configuration.GetSection("IdentityServer:Clients") //showing how you can combine config as well as code settings

                .AddApiAuthorization<ApplicationUser, ApplicationDbContext>(options =>
                    options.IdentityResources["openid"].UserClaims.Add("role"); // Roles
            services.AddTransient<IProfileService, ProfileService>();
            services.AddControllersWithViews().AddNewtonsoftJson(); // newtonsoftjson is needed because has not been migrated to Text.Json yet.


        public IActionResult HandleResponse([FromBody] SkillRequest input)


            var requestType = input.GetRequestType();
            SkillResponse response = null;

            var name = "";
            var jwtEncodedString = input.Session.User.AccessToken;
            if (jwtEncodedString is null)
                response = ResponseBuilder.TellWithLinkAccountCard("You are not currently linked to this skill. Please go into your Alexa app and sign in.");
                response.Response.ShouldEndSession = true;

                return new OkObjectResult(response);

            var token = new JwtSecurityToken(jwtEncodedString: jwtEncodedString);
            var claims = token.Claims;
            name = claims.First(c => c.Type == "name").Value;

            if (requestType == typeof(LaunchRequest))
                response = ResponseBuilder.Tell($"Welcome to Blazor News {name}!");
                response.Response.ShouldEndSession = false;

            // return information from an intent
            else if (requestType == typeof(IntentRequest))
                // do some intent-based stuff
                var intentRequest = input.Request as IntentRequest;
                if (intentRequest.Intent.Name.Equals("news"))
                    // get the news articles
                    var news = GetNews();

                    if (news == 0)
                        response = ResponseBuilder.Tell("We have no blazor news at this time.");
                        response = ResponseBuilder.Tell("There are " + news.ToString() + " blazor news articles.");

                    response.Response.ShouldEndSession = false;
                    response = ResponseBuilder.Ask("I don't understand. Can you please try again?", null);
                    response.Response.ShouldEndSession = false;

            else if (requestType == typeof(SessionEndedRequest))
                response = ResponseBuilder.Tell("See you next time!");
                response.Response.ShouldEndSession = true;

            return new OkObjectResult(response);

        private static int GetNews()
            return 3; //sample code to return the count of articles. 

NGrok Setup

NGrok Setup: NGrok Dashboard Link

Download Grok
NGrok Token Setup
NGROK command
NGrok url for forwarding

Alexa Console Setup

Website to configure Alexa Skill : Alexa Developer Console

Alexa Create New Skill
Alexa Choose Template
Skill Builder Checklist
Skill Invocation
Create Intent

Default Region:

NGrok url was changed as I had restarted the Ngrok. VendorId that is used in the redirect urls is picked from this page.

Web Authotization URI:
Access Token URI:
Client ID: AlexaBlazorNews
Your Secret: AlexaBlazorNewsSecret   (this will be used in the code)
Your Authentication Scheme: HTTP Basic
Account Linking

User Secret Setup

VendorId setup

User Secret Setup

Blazor WASM

Run Server Solution File from Visual Studio, NGrok will automatically pick it up.



Test Development

Acount Linking via Alexa App

Linking Screen in Alexa App on iOS

Alexa App

Login Screen in the App

Alexa App Login

Alexa Account Linking Successful

Alexa Linking Successful